Davenport Watts & Drake Investment Advisors, LLC (DWD) is a Registered Investment Adviser, duly registered with the State of Mississippi in accordance and compliance with applicable securities laws and regulations. In that the firm may only transact business in states in which it is properly registered as an independent advisor or in which it is exempted or excluded from the registration requirement, only residents of the State of Mississippi and those states with an established de minimis rule may receive investment advisory support services accordingly from DWD. DWD does not render personalized investment advice over the internet. In no event shall the presence of this website on the internet be interpreted or construed as a solicitation to provide investment advisory services outside of the State of Mississippi or outside of those states with an established de minimis rule regulating the sole and exclusive jurisdiction in which DWD is registered as an investment adviser. In the future, should DWD seek to solicit investment advisory clients in states outside of the State of Mississippi or outside of those states with an established de minimis rule, an investment advisor registration would first be procured by the firm in such state or states outside of the State of Mississippi or those states with an established de minimis rule.
234 W School Street
Ridgeland, MS 39157
United States